For anyone with vein disease (chronic venous insufficiency) such as varicose veins, Center for Vein Professionals has recommended the current standard of care for over a decade now –– minimally invasive endovenous radiofrequency (RF) ablation procedures.
These treatments for chronic venous insufficiency (vein disease) are performed by one of CVR’s board-certified surgeons.
RF Ablation:
Is a quick, effective and minimally invasive outpatient procedure that takes approximately 60 minutes in our offices
Brings state-of-the-art technology to a disease that affects approximately 50% of all people over age 50
Delivers heat (radiofrequency energy) through a tiny catheter to a vein wall to cause the collagen in the vein to shrink and eventually close
Restores healthy blood flow to a patient’s legs
Most insurance plans provide partial or full coverage for medically necessary treatments, especially for varicose vein procedures.
Contact Us Today. To schedule an appointment, schedule a consultation with one of our board-certified CVR vein specialists.