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Continuing Medical Education

Programs are offered in-person, virtually, and on demand.

Clinical Leaders in Vein Care

We are pleased to offer new and updated Continuing Medical Education (CME) courses available to physicians nationally. These programs are led by Center for Vein Restoration's esteemed clinical team.

Our multi-credit, single-credit, and non-credit courses help providers demonstrate that they have participated in required educational activities—maintaining competence while learning about emerging techniques in our field.

2023-2024 Grand Rounds

CVR physicians hold regular Grand Rounds presentations to discuss unique cases, treatment plans and outcomes. Learn more from these experts below.

*Not available for credit outside of CVR providers.

2024-2025 Grand Rounds

CVR physicians hold regular Grand Rounds presentations to discuss unique cases, treatment plans and outcomes. Learn more from these experts below.

*Not available for credit outside of CVR providers.

CVR Clinical Presentations - Vision 2024

Session 1: The Management of Superficial Venous Disease
Session 2: Updates on Venous Ulcer Management
Session 3: Potpourri
Session 4: Pelvic Venous Insufficiency and Iliofemoral DVTs
Session 5: Venous Thromboembolic Disease