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Venous and Lymphatic Medicine Fellowship

Welcome to the Center for Vein Restoration’s Venous and Lymphatic Medicine Fellowship page. The Center for Vein Restoration was granted a Venous and Lymphatic Medicine Fellowship by the American Board of Venous and Lymphatic Medicine in 2017. The fellowship is a 12-month program designed to provide broad training in the diagnosis and management of patients suffering from chronic venous disorders.

During the 12 months, trainees will develop expertise in the following areas:

  • All aspects of non-invasive duplex scanning of the venous and arterial systems.
  • Diagnosis and management superficial and deep venous disorders.
  • Expertise with all methods for treating superficial venous insufficiency, including laser and radiofrequency endovenous ablations, non-thermal technologies like mechanochemical ablations (Clarivein), cyanoacrylate (Venaseal), Polidocanol microfoam (Varithena), ambulatory micro-stab phlebectomies, ultrasound guided foam, and cosmetic sclerotherapy
  • An exposure to patients with deep venous disorders, such as Pelvic Venous Insufficiency, May Thurner’s Syndrome, Iliac Venous Occlusive disease, venous stenting and chemical and coil embolization procedures.

Ready to Apply?

The ABVLM continues to expand CVR’s training opportunities. We have been approved to train up to twelve fellows and have training opportunities in the following states: New Jersey, Maryland, and Virginia. We appreciate your interest in our training opportunity and look forward to hearing from you.

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