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Por qué debería hablar con un profesional sobre sus venas varicosas

Escrito por Center for Vein Restoration
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Varicose veins aren’t just a cosmetic problem. They’re red flags for more serious vascular disease that needs medical treatment.

Most people believe varicose veins are merely a cosmetic issue, but unfortunately, that’s not the case. Although the appearance of enlarged veins on the legs and feet may be reason enough for some people to pursue treatment, varicose veins may be a sign of an underlying venous disorder that should be checked by a vein specialist.

By putting off treatment or ignoring the condition altogether, you could become vulnerable to developing a more serious condition in the future. So it may be time to finally speak to a professional about your varicose veins.

Why You Should Treat Your Varicose Veins Now

The veins in your legs perform a vital function in the circulatory system. Each vein, with the help of small valves, pushes blood back to the heart after oxygenated blood moves through the body. For many reasons — including heredity, obesity, or lack of exercise — those valves can weaken and allow blood to collect within the vein walls. The pressure of that excess blood eventually causes the veins to bulge out from under the skin, leading to the emergence of varicose veins.

Therefore, varicose veins suggest a deeper breakdown in the vascular system that demands medical advice and intervention. For the three reasons listed here, you should talk to a vascular specialist about your vein health.

Pain. Varicose veins often cause several uncomfortable symptoms. Pain, itching, and swelling are the most common, but varicose veins may also lead to throbbing and a heavy feeling in the legs. In many instances, these bothersome symptoms keep patients up at night. In fact, studies have noted a link between varicose veins and restless leg syndrome (RLS), a condition characterized by involuntary twitches in the legs when a person tries to rest.

Studies have further shown that when varicose veins were treated, RLS symptoms were greatly alleviated. If you find the painful side effects of varicose veins are interfering with your daily life or sleep, it’s time to see a vein specialist.

Skin Ulcers. A build-up of blood due to poor circulation can lead to blood trickling into the skin, causing discoloration and open sores. Having varicose veins increases your risk of developing these slow-healing venous ulcers. Curing the wound and preventing an infection relies on physician-supervised treatment.

Blood Clots. Deep vein thrombosis (DVT), or a blood clot in the deep veins of the leg, has long been associated with long periods of inactivity due to either hospitalization or an extended plane ride. But a study out of Taiwan found another risk factor for DVT — varicose veins. The study concluded that varicose veins raise the risk of DVT by more than five times. If the blood clot breaks free and lodges in the lungs, a potentially life-threatening pulmonary embolism may occur. Once again, varicose veins hint at a more serious complication that requires a thorough medical review, especially when you notice pain, redness, warm skin, and swelling in the leg.

Before you book an appointment with a vein specialist, you can follow some at-home measures to reduce the discomfort. Compression stockings that gently squeeze the veins and encourage circulation can reduce pain and swelling. If seated all day at your job, make sure to get up and walk around or circle your ankles to ensure your calf muscles support circulation. However, these remedies don’t eliminate varicose veins. For that, you must consult a vascular specialist to discuss one of several treatment options to permanently rid you of varicose veins.

Book Your Appointment Today

At the Center for Vein Restoration, our team of experienced doctors and staff members focus solely on the treatment of varicose veins. Your vascular health is essential to your overall well-being, so don’t delay getting therapy for varicose veins or other vein disorders. Our doctors are currently available for telemedicine consultations and emergency procedures.

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