The Wells Score for DVT: Can It Save Your Life?
Este blog explora el Puntaje de Wells, una herramienta comprobada que se utiliza para evaluar el riesgo de trombosis venosa profunda (TVP) en función de criterios específicos, como la hinchazón de las piernas y la inmovilidad reciente. La Dra. Laura Kelsey, del Center for Vein Restoration, explica cómo este modelo de puntuación guía a los proveedores de atención médica a tomar decisiones rápidas e informadas para evitar pruebas innecesarias y detectar la TVP antes de que provoque complicaciones graves. Conozca más sobre cómo el Puntaje de Wells puede ser un recurso que salva vidas al evaluar y gestionar su salud venosa.

The Link Between Vein Health and Cardiovascular Wellness
This blog highlights the connection between venous and cardiovascular health, discussing how conditions like deep vein thrombosis (DVT) can impact heart health and the importance of comprehensive care for both veins and the cardiovascular system.

Stasis Dermatitis & Varicose Veins: What's the Connection?
Discover how varicose veins and stasis dermatitis are linked through chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), a common vein disorder that affects circulation. In this blog, we explore how untreated varicose veins can lead to stasis dermatitis, causing inflammation and skin changes. Learn about the symptoms, complications, and treatment options available to manage both conditions and protect your vein and skin health.

World Thrombosis Day: Raising Awareness. Saving Lives
World Thrombosis Day, observed on October 13, raises awareness about the dangers of blood clots, a major yet often overlooked health threat. Center for Vein Restoration (CVR) supports this global initiative by educating patients on the risks, symptoms, and prevention of thrombosis while offering expert diagnostic and treatment services to promote healthy veins and prevent complications.

Does Birth Control Cause Blood Clots?
This blog post explores the connection between hormonal birth control and the increased risk of blood clots, especially for those who smoke or have a family history of clotting issues. It empowers readers to have informed conversations with their healthcare providers and recognize the warning signs of blood clots for better health decisions.

Do Varicose Veins Cause Blood Clots?
Varicose veins don’t directly cause blood clots, but they can increase your risk of developing a clot. Understand your risks and work to prevent a clot.

How to Check for Poor Blood Circulation at Home (and What to Do About It!)
Learn how to check for poor blood circulation at home and what to do if you spot warning signs like leg cramps, swelling, or varicose veins. This blog, reviewed by Dr. Gregory D. Ruth, provides practical tips to help you recognize circulation problems early and offers advice on maintaining healthy blood flow. From exercise and hydration to professional treatments, discover ways to improve your vein health and prevent serious complications.

How To Check for DVT At Home
Deep Vein Thrombosis is a potentially life-threatening medical condition. Learn how to check for Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) at home and understand DVT symptoms, causes, and treatment options. This guide is provided by Center for Vein Restoration.