If you suffer from varicose veins, you probably feel much discomfort. Swelling or pain may be felt around your affected vein which can leave a feeling of heaviness in your legs. Other symptoms might include your veins appearing enlarged, twisted, or bulging on your legs or feet.
It’s common for people to try home treatment methods, such as creams and vitamins, to resolve varicose veins. Unfortunately, these won’t work and can lead to other serious health issues being overlooked. Bluish and swollen veins are typically a symptom of underlying vein disease or other health problems. Only medical treatment, followed up by lifestyle changes will make a true difference.
Unfortunately, creams won’t eliminate varicose veins. Creams only moisturize the skin’s surface and don’t penetrate deep enough to have any impact on the varicose vein itself. While it’s true creams may reduce swelling and itching, it’s only a temporary fix. Using it may provide short-term relief of inflammation, but unfortunately, relying on creams as a treatment method leaves the root of the problem still festering.
Vitamin supplements can help improve overall health, but they won’t rid you of varicose veins. In most cases, it’s perfectly safe to supplement a diet with vitamins, and most definitely good for your overall health to eat a well-balanced, healthy diet that naturally includes certain vitamins, such as:
It’s important to understand, nutrients can help keep your arteries and veins strong, but only medical intervention can cure them.
Fortunately, medical technology has come a long way to help treat varicose veins. Depending upon the specifics of your varicose vein, your doctor may recommend one of the following treatment methods.
Varithena is a minimally-invasive, non-surgical procedure where a vein specialist inserts a catheter or directly injects a needle to administer a small amount of microfoam into the affected vein(s). This procedure collapses the vein and redirects blood to nearby healthy vessels.
VenaSeal is a revolutionary treatment option to help eliminate issues caused by varicose veins. Using a proprietary medical adhesive administered via a thin catheter, your specialist will close off your varicose vein and redirect blood to nearby vessels. A proven safe and effective process, VenaSeal doesn’t require the use of heat, sclerosants, or tumescent anesthesia.
Ultrasound Guided Foam Sclerotherapy is a fast treatment option with minimal recovery time. A non-surgical and minimally invasive procedure, vein specialists use ultrasound technology to guide the placement of a needle into the vein to administer a medication called a sclerosant. The sclerosant, which has been made into a foam, initiates a reaction in the vein and closes the vein shut, forcing blood supply to redirect to healthier veins.
ClariVein is a Mechanochemical Ablation device that is a quick, painless, and minimally invasive process. Your doctor will insert the device’s catheter into the vein and inject a sclerosing agent into it. This process closes and destroys the diseased vein.
Laser ablation involves gently inserting a thin laser fiber through the skin into the affected vein. During this vein treatment procedure, the laser heats the problematic vein and forces it to close. Once the fiber is removed, the closed vein is reabsorbed into the body and blood flow is naturally rerouted to healthier nearby vessels.
During a radiofrequency ablation procedure, your vein doctor will insert a thin catheter into your vein. Once inside, the catheter will emit radio waves and heat targeted areas of the vein before closing it. After the procedure, the closed vein will be reabsorbed by the body and reroute blood flow to healthier veins.
Ambulatory phlebectomy involves your doctor making tiny incisions, followed by extraction of the varicose vein. Once removed, a compression bandage and the body will naturally reroute blood flow to healthier veins.
Applying varicose vein creams and taking pills will not cure a varicose vein problem, but seeking the help of an experienced varicose vein expert will. Dr. Ives, located in Fairbanks, Alaska, offers several treatment options for both varicose veins and spider veins. To view our spider vein treatment options or to learn more about how Dr. Ives can help you, please contact us today.