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Top 5 Riskiest Jobs for Vein Disease

Written By Center for Vein Restoration
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You may know that genetics play an outsized role in whether or not you will develop varicose veins. In addition to family history, being female and having been pregnant are also known risk factors for venous insufficiency (vein disease). But did you know your job can also be a factor? Some types of jobs tend to carry a higher risk of developing varicose veins than others. Find out if you are at risk of getting these painful, twisted, bulging veins.

Here's our list of some of the least vein-friendly occupations:

Medical Professionals

Nurses and other healthcare professionals that work in clinics and hospitals typically spend long days on their feet. Extended hours of standing can put additional pressure on lower leg veins, which can increase the risk of damage to the vessels and the formation of varicose veins. Pharmacists also fall into this category since most of their day is also spent standing in front of counters, preparing prescriptions, and answering questions for patients.

Flight Attendants

In addition to the many hours on their feet, flight attendants have the double whammy of spending their days in pressurized plane cabins. The reduced pressure inside the plane also leads to reduced oxygen in the blood which can cause swelling of the legs and feet. Also known as edema, this problem may contribute to the onset of varicose veins or make current vein conditions worse. People who fly frequently for their jobs may also be at higher risk.

Service Professionals

Whether you are waiting tables, cutting hair, or running a cash register, you are likely to be doing the large majority of your job while on your feet. While restaurant staff may be able to count at least some of their standing time with frequent bouts of walking, that is not so much the case for hairstylists or cashiers. Those long days of standing in one spot, often on a hard flooring surface, can take a serious toll on your lower leg veins.

Factory Workers

Assembly line workers are another group of employees that spend significant amounts of time standing in a single position while completing their tasks. There are also physical jobs at factories that require heavy lifting, which puts additional stress on those lower leg veins already working hard to move blood back up the body to the heart. A combination of the two can become too much strain for those poor, over-taxed veins to bear, resulting in the weakening of blood vessels, swelling, and varicosity (twisted, enlarged veins at the surface of the skin).

Office Staff

While jobs that require long periods of standing are not terribly healthy for your lower leg veins, long hours sitting behind a desk aren’t any better for vein health. Sitting can slow circulation in the body, increasing pressure inside the vessels. If you often sit with your legs crossed, that can add further strain to the circulatory system. The lack of movement means your calf muscles are not working to help the lower leg veins move blood back up the body, which can make them more prone to damage and varicosity.

If you have a job that puts you at higher risk for varicose veins, there are a few steps you can take to reduce your likelihood of developing this disorder:

  • If you stand frequently, try to put your feet up at least a few times a day to rest your veins
  • If you are sedentary, make a point to get up and move every 30-60 minutes. A short mid-day walk is recommended to keep blood pumping
  • Wear compression stockings on the job, which increases blood flow and lowers your varicose vein risk

If you do develop varicose veins, treatments are available to eliminate those unsightly, painful vessels without a major disruption to your daily life. To learn more about your minimally invasive vein treatment options, contact Center for Vein Restoration today. Call 240-965-3915 or book an appointment HERE.

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