Blossoming Bumps and Varicose Veins: A Guide to Pregnancy and Vein Health
Pregnancy is a joyous time filled with exhilarating expectations. However, not all aspects are joyful. Unpleasant side effects of varicose veins often distract from the delight of pregnancy and cause unnecessary discomfort and embarrassment.

Top Four Causes of Leg Ulcers
Leg ulcers can be excruciating and debilitating. But understanding these four common causes can help you get the treatment you need.

What is Venous Eczema? Let a Vein Doctor Explain
Twenty percent of people over age 70 suffer from venous eczema, also known as stasis dermatitis or gravitational eczema. In the article a vein expert, Dr. Mohamed T. Hassan from Center for Vein Restoration explains what exactly the condition is, and what can be done to treat it.

Why You Need an Ultrasound Before Undergoing Venous Insufficiency Treatment
Venous insufficiency is treatable, but your doctor will likely order an ultrasound first. Here’s what you can expect.

Do You Have Venous Insufficiency? Here are Seven Signs to Look For
Millions of people have venous insufficiency. Are you one of them? Here are seven signs to look for:

What Can Worsen the Symptoms of Venous Insufficiency?
Are you looking to stop the symptoms of venous insufficiency from worsening? Start by making some simple lifestyle changes.

Is Walking Good for Venous Ulcers?
Are you struggling to heal a venous ulcer on your leg? Get those steps in! Walking is good for treating and preventing venous ulcers.