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Why Does Pregnancy Cause Varicose Veins?

Written By Center for Vein Restoration
28155190 s

Varicose veins can be embarrassing at any time. But when you’re an expectant mom, they can also cause pain, swelling and discomfort.

As your pregnancy progresses, your blood volume increases. In your legs, the blood in your veins flows against gravity. So when your leg muscles contract, the one-way valves in your leg veins help push the blood back to your heart.

But in some pregnant women, these leg valves can give way, allowing the extra blood in the veins to drop back down, start to pool, and cause bulging, visible varicose veins.

After pregnancy, your veins can actually get progressively worse. So if it’s time for a board-certified surgeon to treat your veins, please visit CVR at centerforvein.com.

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