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David H. Feng


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Get to Know Dr. Feng

Born and raised in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, David Feng, MD stayed in his hometown to attend the prestigious McGill University, where he received his B.S. with honors in Physiology. Dr. Feng then traveled south to attend medical school at the Hahnemann University School of Medicine in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. After obtaining his M.D. degree, Dr. Feng performed his post-graduate medical training at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, completing his residency in Diagnostic Radiology followed by a fellowship in Vascular and Interventional Radiology at UNC Hospitals.


Dr. Feng's Credentials

  • Vascular and Interventional Radiology
  • Diagnostic Radiology
  • McGill University (Montreal, Quebec, Canada)
  • Hahnemann University School of Medicine (Philadelphia, PA)
  • Residency and Fellowship at University of North Carolina Hospitals
  • New Jersey Medical Society
  • Society of Interventional Radiology
  • New Jersey Radiological Society
  • Radiological Society of North America
  • Phlebology
  • Spider Veins
  • Varicose Veins
  • Venous Insufficiency
  • Interventional Radiology
  • English
  • Chinese
  • Mandarin

More About Dr. Feng

As a fellow, Dr. Feng trained both in the Interventional Radiology suite as well as in the operating room in collaboration with vascular surgeons, perfecting and pioneering the interventional techniques that are employed by multiple specialists today. While in North Carolina, Dr. Feng was credentialed at several hospitals, including the UNC Hospitals, Wayne Memorial Medical Center in Goldsboro, NC, Iredell Medical Center in Iredell, NC, and Elizabeth City Medical Center in Elizabeth City, NC.

After completing his fellowship, Dr. Feng relocated to New Jersey, where he began his professional career as the Medical Director of the Department of Vascular and Interventional Radiology at Ocean Medical Center, in Brick, NJ. For over a decade, Dr. Feng has lead the way in providing cutting edge, state of the art, minimally invasive, image guided procedures.

Dr. Feng has been recognized both locally and nationally for his innovative techniques and clinical expertise as well as his unparalleled level of positive outcomes. Throughout his tenure at OMC, Dr. Feng has had a particular interest in the diagnosis and treatment of venous disorders. Dr. Feng has performed thousands of procedures in this sub-specialty area, including treatment and establishment of venous access for dialysis patients, minimally invasive venous bypass procedures, non-surgical treatment of life-threatening bleeding venous varicosities, and catheter directed treatment of venous insufficiency disease.

As an active member of the New Jersey Medical Society, the Society of Interventional Radiology, the New Jersey Radiological Society, the American College of Phlebology and the Radiological Society of North America, Dr. Feng has been an active contributor to the development of policy for the medical community at both the state and national levels. Dr. Feng has been a champion of minimally invasive treatment of vascular disorders, and has been invited to speak both nationally and internationally about his professional experience and innovative techniques throughout his years as the Director of Vascular and Interventional Radiology. Dr. Feng’s innovations have been adapted by Interventional Radiologists, Invasive Cardiologists and Vascular Surgeons around the world.

“My expertise and experience in treating the full spectrum of venous disorders with minimally invasive, non-surgical techniques has led me to dedicate my career to the diagnosis, treatment, and cure of venous disorders of the legs. As one of the newest physicians to join Center for Vein Restoration, I look forward to bringing relief to local patients suffering from the painful symptoms of venous insufficiency.”

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