The Wells Score for DVT: Can It Save Your Life?
Este blog explora el Puntaje de Wells, una herramienta comprobada que se utiliza para evaluar el riesgo de trombosis venosa profunda (TVP) en función de criterios específicos, como la hinchazón de las piernas y la inmovilidad reciente. La Dra. Laura Kelsey, del Center for Vein Restoration, explica cómo este modelo de puntuación guía a los proveedores de atención médica a tomar decisiones rápidas e informadas para evitar pruebas innecesarias y detectar la TVP antes de que provoque complicaciones graves. Conozca más sobre cómo el Puntaje de Wells puede ser un recurso que salva vidas al evaluar y gestionar su salud venosa.

Taking Care of Veins and Her Community: Spotlight on Vein Specialist Dr. Laura Kelsey
In this spotlight blog, we explore the inspiring journey of Dr. Laura Kelsey, a board-certified general surgeon and vein specialist at Center for Vein Restoration. Dr. Kelsey’s dedication to patient care and her community shines through her expertise in vein disease and her commitment to philanthropic efforts. Learn how her early mentorship and focus on blood clotting disorders have shaped her personalized approach to vein care, benefiting both her patients and the wider Michigan community.

Inflammation and Varicose Veins: What's the Connection?
Discover the intricate link between inflammation and varicose veins in this in-depth, vein physician-reviewed blog post. Learn how chronic inflammation contributes to the development and progression of varicose veins, leading to symptoms like pain, swelling, and leg fatigue. Understanding this connection opens the door to better prevention and treatment strategies.

Pregnancy at Age 40 Delivers Painful Varicose Veins
Laura Kelsey, MD, helps a mom feel and look great after years of suffering from bulging varicose veins and other classic symptoms of vein disease.