Is It Worth Getting Varicose Veins Removed?

Written By Center for Vein Restoration
Is It Worth Getting Varicose Veins Removed

It can be easy to dismiss varicose veins as a cosmetic issue, meaning there's no rush to get them treated or removed. Varicose veins aren't just unsightly – those bulging, twisted veins on your legs can be painful, itchy, and a warning sign of deeper circulation problems. The decision to seek treatment for varicose veins isn't just about how your legs look but also about your vascular health and overall well-being.

The decision to remove varicose veins is ultimately yours, as the patient, but there are more benefits to having them removed than leaving them untreated. Ignoring them can lead to worsening symptoms, increased risk of complications, and decreased quality of life.

If you need more clarification about your next course of action regarding your varicose veins, consult your vein specialist to understand the benefits and risks of varicose vein removal. A Center for Vein Restoration provider can provide personalized advice based on your health history and the severity of your varicose veins.

Why Should I Get Treatment for My Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins, while often considered a cosmetic issue, can have significant health and lifestyle implications that make their removal worthwhile.

Beyond their appearance, varicose veins can lead to discomfort, pain, and a range of more severe health problems if left untreated. Here are several reasons why it's worth getting varicose veins removed and why procrastination can be detrimental.

Eliminating Symptoms and Discomfort

Varicose veins can cause physical discomfort and pain. Many individuals experience aching, heaviness, and itching around the affected veins, which can become particularly pronounced after standing or sitting for extended periods.

The discomfort caused by varicose veins can interfere with daily activities and reduce your quality of life. Removing them can alleviate painful symptoms, improve comfort and mobility, and allow you to engage in the physical activities you enjoy.

Similarly, people with varicose veins experience aching and throbbing in their legs that can disturb sleep. Varicose vein treatment can improve sleep quality by alleviating uncomfortable symptoms that may impact your rest.

If your varicose veins are causing you to experience discomfort that's impacting your daily routine, keeping you from activities you enjoy, or impacting your sleep, discuss your treatment options with your Center for Vein Restoration vascular specialist.

Your Vascular Health

Untreated varicose veins can lead to more severe health complications. Over time, the pressure and swelling can cause skin changes such as discoloration and ulceration, which are not only difficult to treat but can also be painful and lead to infections.

Varicose veins can indicate other underlying vascular conditions. Even if you're not concerned by their appearance, having them removed can still benefit your health.

Prevention of Progression to Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI): Untreated varicose veins can lead to chronic venous insufficiency, where the vein walls or valves in the leg veins do not work effectively, causing blood to pool or flow backward.

Chronic venous insufficiency can result in increased pressure in the veins, further exacerbating the risk of vascular damage and leading to more severe symptoms, such as leg swelling, pain, and skin changes.

Chronic venous insufficiency is a type of vein disease that, if untreated, can lead to progressively worsening symptoms and complications due to the ongoing pressure and damage to the veins and surrounding tissues.

Reduction of Symptoms: Varicose veins can cause uncomfortable symptoms, including aching, throbbing, heaviness, and itching in the affected limbs. These symptoms can impair daily activities and quality of life. Treating varicose veins can alleviate these symptoms, improving mobility and comfort.

Prevention of Complications: If left untreated, varicose veins can lead to more severe complications, such as leg ulcers, bleeding, and thrombophlebitis (inflammation of the veins).

The most concerning complication is the development of deep vein thrombosis (DVT), a blood clot in a deeper vein, which can be life-threatening if the clot dislodges and travels to the lungs, causing a pulmonary embolism.

Improved Blood Flow: Treating varicose veins helps restore proper blood flow through your vascular system. Procedures aim to close or remove the damaged veins, forcing blood to flow through healthier veins.

These varicose vein treatments can improve overall circulation and prevent blood pooling, which is good for vascular health.

Improve Long-term Vascular Health: Treatment helps protect the vascular system from further damage by addressing the underlying chronic venous insufficiency.

Early intervention can prevent the condition from worsening, safeguarding vascular health over the long term. For some, treating varicose veins is a preventive measure to avoid potential health issues that could arise from leaving them untreated.

Varicose Veins Don't Go Away

Varicose veins will likely worsen in appearance and severity of symptoms without treatment or intervention. Early treatment can prevent the condition from advancing to a stage where complications become more likely and challenging to manage.

Lifestyle changes and self-care measures like wearing compression stockings, eating a healthy diet, getting daily exercise, quitting smoking, and reducing alcohol consumption may reduce the discomfort caused by varicose veins and potentially prevent the existing varicose veins from worsening.

These lifestyle changes can also improve your overall and vascular health. However, varicose veins don't go away without treatment and intervention from a vascular specialist.

Talk to your medical provider or vascular specialist before using over-the-counter varicose vein remedies or supplements, as they may interfere with some existing medications.

How Will My Vascular Specialist Diagnose My Varicose Veins?

Your Center for Vein Restoration specialist will follow a comprehensive approach to ensure accurate diagnosis and treatment planning.

The specialist will start with a detailed medical history and physical examination. You'll discuss any symptoms you're experiencing, such as pain, swelling, or any changes in the skin around the veins.

You can prepare for your visit by writing down any questions you have ahead of time and bringing a list of any medications you're taking. Be sure to mention any relevant medical or family history.

During the physical examination, your vascular specialist will visually inspect your legs while standing to check for swelling, vein color, and size. The varicose veins' size, shape, and pattern can give insights into the extent of chronic venous insufficiency.

Depending on your medical history and physical exam, your vein specialist may order a duplex ultrasound. Duplex ultrasound uses high-frequency sound waves to create images of the blood vessels and assess the blood flow and structure of the veins in your legs. It can help identify any blockages or reflux (blood flowing backward) that may be contributing to varicose veins.

This test is crucial for determining the severity of the condition and planning treatment.

Depending on the results of the initial examinations and your overall health, your vascular specialist may order other imaging or labs to rule out other conditions or to examine the vascular system further.

These diagnostic procedures aim to understand the extent of the varicose veins, the condition of the vein valves, and the presence of any blood flow issues, such as blood clots.

This comprehensive assessment allows your vascular specialist to develop an effective treatment plan tailored to your specific condition. Depending on the severity and underlying cause of your varicose veins, this plan may include lifestyle changes, medical treatments, or surgical options.

What are my Treatment Options for Varicose Veins?

At Center for Vein Restoration, our board-certified specialists tailor a treatment regimen to your needs. All treatments are conducted on an outpatient basis within our vein clinic, utilizing local anesthesia to ensure the leg is numb. Patients remain conscious throughout the procedure without experiencing any discomfort.

These minimally invasive surgeries are conveniently carried out on an outpatient basis and typically take no more than an hour to complete.

Our treatments for varicose veins include:

Our varicose vein treatments are minimally invasive and designed to improve and reroute blood flow to nearby healthy vessels, eliminating the varicose vein.

Patients can return home the same day as the procedure with minimal limitations. Although medical intervention may not be deemed necessary in the absence of symptoms, it is crucial to recognize that varicose veins can represent a progressively worsening condition that can deteriorate over time if left untreated.

Treating Varicose Veins at Center for Vein Restoration

The decision to treat varicose veins extends far beyond cosmetic concerns. Varicose veins can significantly impact your physical health, causing discomfort and pain and potentially leading to severe health complications if left untreated.

Treating varicose veins alleviates immediate symptoms and prevents future vascular issues. With the advancements in medical treatments, varicose vein removal has become more accessible, minimally invasive, and practical, offering patients a chance to improve their quality of life, reduce health risks, and enhance their vascular health.

Center for Vein Restoration is dedicated to providing expert care and solutions for those suffering from vascular conditions, including varicose veins. Call 240-512-4759 to speak to a Patient Services Representative or schedule your consultation online at a Center for Vein Restoration near you today.

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