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Non-Healing Ulcer | Suzette's Patient Story

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BA Dr Pappas

Patient Concerns

Suzette D. is a 53-year-old female who presented at the Union, New Jersey location of Center for Vein Restoration. She has a history of being overweight and presents complaining of a bilateral lower extremity pain and swelling and a non-healing right medial malleolar ulcer (on the inner side of the leg, just above the ankle joint) for over one year. The ulcer has progressively enlarged and is now painful. Her primary care physician instructed her to place an “ointment” on the wound and to keep the wound bandaged. The patient works as a certified nursing assistant and stands for prolonged periods of time.

Treatments Provided

March 29: Started patient on betadine wet to dry for chemical debridement and treatment of wound bacteria colonization.

April 2: Continued betadine wet to dry and added Levoquin 750mg po qd. Patient complaining of painful venous ulcer. Told patient to stop working and stay off her feet.

April 9 & 16: Ulcer is decreasing in size. Now 8cm x 5cm

April 23: Ulcer is now 7cm x 5cm

April 26: First endovenous intervention—Varithena right GSV

May 3: Right leg microstab phlebectomies (10 Stab incisions)

May 10: UGFS below knee tribs surrounding ulcer bed.

May 17: Laser ablation left SSV

May 24: Varithena Left below knee SSV

May 31: Unna boot (2cm by 2cm)


Patient’s chronic wound is now healed.

About Dr. Pappas

Peter J. Pappas, MD, is a board-certified vascular surgeon and the Director of the Venous and Lymphatic Fellowship Program at Center for Vein Restoration.

Dr. Pappas earned his medical degree at UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, and completed his General Surgery Residency at Cooper Hospital University Medical Center, a Robert Wood Johnson affiliate. He has been a member or officer of numerous Vascular and General Surgery Societies including President of the Vascular Society of New Jersey, The American Venous Forum and the American Venous Forum Foundation. He is nationally recognized for his basic science and clinical research activities in venous disease.

With decades of experience in the field of venous insufficiency, Dr. Pappas is still motivated every day to improve the lives of patients with venous disease and training the next generation of Venous Disease Specialists.

Dr. Pappas is the lead physician at Center for Vein Restoration locations in Union and Morristown, New Jersey.

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