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Do Varicose Veins Cause Bruising?

Written By Center for Vein Restoration
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Varicose veins may be prone to bruising, but they're easily preventable with some cautionary steps and treatment.

Common identifiable symptoms of varicose veins include protruding veins on the legs and feet, pain, swelling, and itching. But did you know that varicose veins can cause bruising even from the slightest bump? You might not even realize you had bumped yourself until you see a black-and-blue bruise around the raised vein and wonder how it happened.

A normal bruise usually heals within a few days. But a bruise around a varicose vein may not heal as quickly and can lead to complications, such as bleeding. Treating your varicose veins is an important first step to permanently reducing your risk of bruising and bleeding.

Why do varicose veins cause bruising?

Veins are blood vessels; subsequently, when they break, causing blood to leak, a bruise forms under the skin’s surface. The bruise will eventually fade as the blood is reabsorbed into the body.

Varicose veins, however, are more susceptible to bruising. The weakened valves in varicose veins prevent blood from circulating. As blood pools in the veins, it stretches the vein walls outward and pulls the skin thin. While you might not experience pain from a glancing blow or bump, you may still see a bruise or mild swelling that forms from the diseased, fragile vein.

A bruised varicose vein may potentially cause internal or external bleeding. With internal bleeding, you may not see the varicose vein but notice a large bruise. You may also feel faint. However, if the skin ruptures from the bruise on a visible varicose vein, you may experience external bleeding. Sometimes, this bleeding can be significant.

Bleeding from a varicose vein requires immediate medical attention. Before going to the ER or doctor’s office, you can try to stem the flow by raising your legs and applying pressure on the vein with a clean towel. Stopping the bleeding as soon as possible prevents excessive blood loss.

Prevent bruising by treating your veins

To eliminate your risk of bruising or bleeding, you can start by treating your varicose veins. These minimally invasive procedures are performed in a brief outpatient visit with either local or no anesthesia at all, and include:

Sclerotherapy. A safe, saline-based solution called a sclerosant is injected into the vein. As the vein becomes irritated, it seals itself and eventually fades as it is reabsorbed into the body.

Thermal ablation. The heat from a laser or radiofrequency waves destroys the diseased vein.

Ambulatory phlebectomy. The affected vein is extracted via two tiny incisions. You’ll leave with just a bandaid, and scarring is minimal.

VenaSeal. A proprietary adhesive seals the varicose veins shut.

ClariVein. A catheter with a rotating tip injects a sclerosant solution to destroy the diseased vein.

Any slight bruising and swelling you may experience after the procedure is normal and will quickly fade, as will your varicose veins.

Treat your veins today

Center for Vein Restoration (CVR) operates two full-service offices in New Hampshire led by Dr. Normand Miller, MD, FACS, RPVI, RVT. For many years, Dr. Miller has been a board-certified vascular surgeon specializing in vascular disease and venous insufficiency. Contact your local New Hampshire CVR office today to start your journey towards healthy veins!

410 Amherst Street, Suite 200

Nashua, NH 03063

224 Main Street, Suite 1-D

Salem, NH 03079

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