Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) is the medical term for improper functioning leg vein valves—also known as vein disease. Vein disease, the root cause of varicose veins, affects an estimated 40 percent of the population in the United States. Common yet under-diagnosed, vein disease impacts 51 percent of women and 30 percent of men over age 50.
“Chronic venous insufficiency refers to malfunctioning valves in the leg veins that hinder the ability of these veins to return the blood back to the heart efficiently. The blood tries to go up the leg but slips down and ends up pooling in the calf region. Over time, the extra volume of blood in the leg builds up pressure, and that extra pressure creates inflammation. This is a chronic process gets worse and worse over time and starts to cause symptoms such as skin damage, swelling, and cramps. Symptoms are worse with rest and can be alleviated with movement.”
- Dr. Gregory Ruth, lead physician CVR clinics in Hamilton, NJ, and Howell, NJ
Vein disease is progressive, meaning it will likely get worse and will not go away on its own. The earlier vein disease is diagnosed and treated, the better your chances of preventing serious complications such as skin changes and ulcers. Fortunately, vein disease is treatable—but only if addressed by a qualified vein specialist.
Relief from uncomfortable leg veins is only possible by first consulting with a vein specialist.
Anyone suffering from leg heaviness, swelling, and pain must make an appointment with a vein physician to get the treatment they need for unsightly, uncomfortable
varicose veins.
Only a highly trained vein professional can diagnose and treat vein disease using advanced technologies and state-of-the-art procedures in a comfortable in-office setting.
How do I schedule a vein appointment?
Center for Vein Restoration (CVR) makes it easy to schedule a comprehensive vein evaluation with a board-certified vein physician.
Schedule online
Sometimes it’s not convenient to speak to a live scheduler. And sometimes, you don’t have the time or simply don’t feel like making a phone call. That’s okay because we make it easy to schedule your appointment whenever and however it suits you.
Click here to schedule your appointment online.
Benefits to scheduling your vein appointment online
- It’s how patients want to schedule appointments! These days, patients, like any other consumer, expect to be able to complete tasks online. Whether a grocery delivery, restaurant reservation, or car rental, people prefer to “schedule on their schedule,” day or night.
- According to a 2019 PatientPop (an online scheduling software) analysis of live practices revealed that 35 percent of online appointments are booked outside of regular business hours (8 am to 5 pm).1
- An Accenture survey found that 68 percent of patients say they’re more likely to choose medical providers that offer the option to book, change, or cancel appointments online.2 This trend will surely gain momentum, as more than 50 percent of Millennials and Gen Xers say they would switch providers to gain the ability to book appointments online.3
- No one actually agrees to be placed on hold.
We’ve all done it: consent to wait (as if it was really a choice) to get the service we need by phone. If scheduling an appointment is your only goal, scheduling online
is fast and efficient. And you won’t be forced to fib when asked, “do you mind being placed on a brief hold?”
Schedule by phone
Do you have questions and prefer to speak to a live patient services coordinator? We have a knowledgeable, dedicated team ready to serve you by phone. Call 240-965-3915 to ask vein health questions or schedule your consultation.
What happens during a vein health consultation?
During an introductory vein health consultation, the first task is taking your detailed health history, including personal and family medical background. You may be asked about any medications you take, including supplements. After checking your leg skin for outward signs of poor circulation such as dry, flaky skin, swelling, varicose, or spider veins, the provider may want a deeper look into the health of your veins using vascular ultrasound.
A vascular ultrasound is painless, non-invasive, and uses sound waves to give the technician insight into the movement of blood through the blood vessels of the legs. No special preparation is needed for this examination, and the results are immediate.
Your CVR vein physician will develop and review a detailed vein treatment plan. This plan outlines the doctor’s treatment recommendations to help you look and feel your best!
Does insurance cover vein treatment?
At Center for Vein Restoration, vein treatment is covered by most insurance carriers, including Medicare and Medicaid. Our staff helps you through every stage of the process, including submitting your claim, acquiring pre-certification if required by your carrier, and helping manage payment if necessary.
Begin your vein health journey the way you want:
Schedule online
or call 240-965-3915 TODAY! Isn’t it nice having a choice?
- PatientPop data, analysis of live practices, June-August 2019
- Accenture 2019 Digital Health Consumer Survey, US Results
- 2019 Patient Access Journey Report, Kyruus