The good news is those procedure have become largely obsolete today, as minimally-invasive procedures have taken the place of surgical options. Now you have many choices to eliminate varicose veins without residual scarring, giving you superb cosmetic results.
The nature of the relationship between winter and venous health is a mixed bag — here’s what you need to know. You
Not everyone enjoys visiting their doctor regularly, but an annual exam or health screening is almost always vital to your health. You may be feeling fine today, but later on, you may find that you develop one or more health conditions. A health check with your physician will ensure that any problems are detected early and therefore have a better chance of improving.
Since athletes are often in peak physical condition, we rarely associate them with circulatory problems. But even the fittest of the fit remain susceptible to venous disorders.
Blood circulation affects every part of your body and healthy blood flow ensures that oxygen and nutrients are reaching every cell in your body as well as removing metabolic waste.
In general, varicose and spider veins are products of poor circulation between the heart and the legs coupled with weakened vein walls, which creates visible, uncomfortable veins. Warmer temperatures can aggravate these conditions, causing veins to dilate, enlarge, and distend even further. This can also worsen the swelling and associated discomfort.
Healthy eating habits can play a major role in preventing varicose veins. Varicose veins affect over 20 million Americans, but recent
While all modern vein procedures are safe and effective, patients should understand what they entail before receiving treatment. Many patients regard