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What's Diosmin, and Is It a Good Option for Your Vein Disease?

Written By Center for Vein Restoration
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People with venous insufficiency and varicose veins have found symptom relief with the supplement diosmin. But as with any medication, you should check with your vein specialist before taking it.

If you have varicose veins, you’re always on the lookout for therapies to reduce your pain and swelling. In your research, you’ve probably come across a substance called diosmin that is touted as an effective treatment for vein disease.

Available over-the-counter in the U.S. and Canada, diosmin is a flavonoid derived from citrus fruits. Flavonoids are a class of antioxidant compounds said to reduce inflammation and promote efficient blood flow. Diosmin is typically combined with another flavonoid substance — hesperidin — and is sold under the names Diovenor, Daflon, Barosmin, citrus flavonoids, Flebosten, Litosmil, or Venosmine. Although studies have supported diosmin use in treating varicose veins, you must check with a vascular specialist to determine if it’s the right therapy for you.

The Lowdown on Diosmin and Varicose Veins

In several studies, researchers have examined whether diosmin counteracts the distressing physical effects of chronic vein insufficiency, venous skin ulcers, varicose veins, and hemorrhoids (which are a form of varicose veins that develop in the rectum or anus). Those conditions occur when blood movement becomes impaired due to weak vein valves that trap blood within the vein walls. As the amount of blood builds up in the vein, the vein swells and pops out from under the skin, causing pain, edema, itching, and cramping. In the case of venous ulcers on the leg or hemorrhoids, symptoms might include discharge and bleeding.

A 2013 investigation published in Phlebology: The Journal of Venous Disease concluded diosmin and hesperidin diminished the painful symptoms of chronic venous disease in the 127 patients studied. Similarly, a 2017 study published in the same medical journal confirmed previous reports that flavonoid-derived agents healed venous ulcers and reduced swelling caused by chronic venous disease.

As with any medication, however, you should consult with your vein specialist about any possible adverse drug interactions and side effects. For example, diosmin may interfere with the absorption of anticoagulants, anticonvulsants, anti-inflammatory drugs, and muscle relaxants - So it’s important to check with a medical professional before taking diosmin.

Although the possibility of side effects is slight, diosmin might in rare instances cause stomach or muscle pain, diarrhea, headaches, dizziness, and skin rashes. Some patients have experienced an irregular heartbeat after taking diosmin. If you experience any of these reactions, inform your doctor immediately.

Considered safe for most people, diosmin should only be given under a doctor’s supervision if you suffer from a bleeding disorder, diabetes, or heart disease. The drug is not recommended for pregnant women.

Although diosmin may alleviate the symptoms of varicose veins and poses no health danger for most people, the only permanent cure for enlarged veins is one of several minimally invasive surgical procedures. Discuss those potential therapies — and whether diosmin can be used in conjunction with them — with a vein specialist.

We’re Here to Answer Your Questions

The Center for Vein Restoration is open for telemedicine and in-person visits. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns regarding treatment of your varicose veins, and we can help you to choose a procedure or treatment option that will provide you with much-needed relief.

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