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Men and Vein Health: Part 2 of 3

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This Men's Health Month, Center for Vein Restoration (CVR) vein specialist Thomas Alosco, MD, DABS, RPVI, RVT, DABVLM, raises awareness of venous insufficiency among men and encourages early diagnosis and treatment of vein disease. Dr. Alosco is the lead physician at the CVR Waterbury, Connecticut, location.

Treatment for Varicose Veins Starts with an Ultrasound

The decision on appropriate treatment is based on the patient’s ultrasound findings, explains Dr. Alosco. This ultrasound called a duplex ultrasound, is an incredibly detailed test that measures the size of the veins and the extent of the reflux (i.e., pooling in the veins). The doctor then develops a treatment plan using the ultrasound findings and thorough health history and physical examination.

Because of CVR’s extensive experience working with insurance companies to meet their requirements to pay for vein procedures, insurance coverage is established in a timely fashion by CVR staff.

Minimally Invasive Procedures Done In-office

Depending on the patient’s unique needs, a variety of treatment options are available. These options range from shutting down the vein to removing the diseased vein. All procedures are performed using a local anesthetic, and patients can drive themselves to and from the office procedure.

These no-downtime options are particularly essential for men who are concerned about missing days of work. Many patients have a procedure performed during their lunch hour!

Dr. Alosco explains some treatments begin by “shutting off” the deeper, refluxing veins by applying heat using ultrasound guidance. Heat, either via radiofrequency or laser, is a very good method for sealing the vein shut, according to Dr. Alosco. He adds that these techniques require anesthetizing the vein using a local anesthetic, however. Other treatment techniques, including glue and chemicals, don’t require an anesthetic. These include:

  • VenaSeal™️, the trade name for the glue, is injected into the vein along with the anesthetic in a single puncture. The glue hardens and seals the vein. Dr. Alosco describes this procedure as “gentle” and has similar success rates as the heat (thermal) techniques with minimal discomfort post-procedure.
  • Verithena™️ is the trade name for the chemical polidocanol. It is injected into the damaged vein to shut it down.

The technique chosen by the doctor is based on what insurance will allow, where the vein is, how visible the vein is, and patient preference.

If the veins remain prominent, they can be successfully removed through a small incision under local anesthetic. This office procedure is “well-tolerated,” says Dr. Alosco.

Where Does the Blood go When a Vein is Removed?

“After any of these techniques, the blood is rerouted to other veins,” explains Dr. Alosco. Even if the treated vein was a main vein, it is important to remember that the damaged vein was not functioning correctly. By shutting down the defective vein, the vast network of other veins can then take over and route the blood efficiently to the heart, where it belongs.

Schedule an Appointment with a Vein Doctor Near You

CVR has over 100 locations across the United States and is the leader in treating varicose veins and vein disease. Offering more treatment options by experienced, board-certified physician experts, CVR is the most successful practice of its kind.

Men: experience the CVR difference for yourself.

Schedule a consultation today by calling 240-965-3915 or visit centerforvein.com for more information.

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