Relation Between Superficial Vein Reflux and Deep Vein Disease: Clinical Impact of Modern Treatment
by Nicos Labropoulos, PhD, DIC, RVT, Professor of Surgery and Radiology, Stony Brook Universtiy Medical Center. and Antonios P. Gasparis,

Diagnosis and Treatment of Pelvic Venous Syndromes
By Robert Kiser, DO, MSPH Vulvar varicosities are a source of embarrassment and pain for many women but they are often
Ultrasound Imaging is Vital in Diagnosing Chronic Venous Insufficiency
The term Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI) describes a condition that affects the venous system of the lower extremities with venous

Important Questions Regarding Your Leg Health
This questionnaire is a helpful tool to assess whether you have chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), also known as venous reflux

Sclerotherapy: A Brief History
Sklerosis: from the Greek, a hardening or induration of a tissue or part. Therapeia: from the Greek, treatment of disease or disorder as

How Is Your Leg Health?
This questionnaire is a helpful tool to assess whether you have Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI), also known as Venous Reflux