Using Retinol Cream for Facial Spider Veins

Written By Center for Vein Restoration
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Retinol is one treatment that can reduce the appearance of spider veins on the face. But it won’t completely eliminate them.

Spider veins and varicose veins often develop together on the legs and ankles. But spider veins can also appear on the face. These facial spider veins, known as facial telangiectasias, are broken blood vessels that become visible as clusters of thin red or blue lines. More of a cosmetic issue than a medical concern, spider veins are rarely painful or harmful to your overall health.

Arizona residents stand a higher risk of developing spider veins because of the state’s year-round sunny climate. Excessive sun exposure damages the skin and blood vessels, which encourages the development of spider veins. Other factors include age, heredity, alcohol consumption, gender (women are statistically more likely to have spider veins), and skin diseases such as rosacea. If you have facial spider veins, you’ve probably heard that Retinol cream can minimize their appearance. Here’s what Retinol can and can’t do for your spider veins.

Retinol and Facial Spider Veins

Retinol cream has been used to treat a variety of skin conditions, including spider veins. The cream contains two substances — tretinoin and a form of vitamin A known as retinyl — that work together to boost cell regeneration and collagen production. Both thicken skin, thereby making spider veins less visible.

However, Retinol does not directly treat or eliminate spider veins; it only works to reduce their appearance. The effects may take several months of use before becoming noticeable. If you have sensitive skin and are using Retinol for the first time, you may notice some minor skin irritation caused by a thinning of the skin. After a few applications, your skin returns to its normal thickness.

Retinol creams are commercially available, making them a good at-home alternative for decreasing the appearance of facial spider veins. If you want to eliminate facial telangiectasias, a vein specialist can discuss several options, including using a laser or pulses of light to break up the spider veins. Both procedures leave the surrounding skin and tissue unharmed.

Commonly used for varicose veins and spider veins on the legs, sclerotherapy can treat facial spider veins, too. In this procedure, a solution injected into the spider vein causes it to collapse and eventually fade. Sclerotherapy works best for more prominent spider veins. A vein specialist can discuss which alternative is best for your specific condition and skin type. For example, laser treatments are not recommended for those with darker skin tones.

Preventing Facial Spider Veins

Even if you have a family history of spider veins, you can take steps to prevent them from appearing on your face. Reduce your chances of facial spider veins by:

Wearing Sunscreen. Avoiding the sun in Arizona is near impossible. So when you go outside, slather on sunscreen or wear a hat to protect yourself from damaging UV rays.

Being Gentle With Your Skin. When washing your face, splash on warm — not hot — water and rub gently.

Exercising. Regular exercise strengthens your veins and circulation.

Eating Right. Vitamin C foods, in particular, contain bioflavonoids that build up blood vessels.

Skipping Alcohol. Excessive alcohol consumption raises the risk of spider veins on the face, so skip the daily drink.

Taking Care of Your Skin. If you notice any changes in your skin, such as acne or rosacea, see your doctor right away for treatment. Spider veins developing along with rosacea are very common, so you need to take care of that condition to prevent spider veins.

Center for Vein Restoration in Arizona

Center for Vein Restoration operates three locations in the Phoenix area. These locations are lead by Dr. Jeffrey Alpern, DO, a board-certified cardiovascular and thoracic surgeon, and Dr. Nick Morrison, MD, FACS, FACPh. Together, these physicians have spent decades treating venous disorders in these locations. Drawing on their expertise, both doctors provide a full range of services to treat varicose veins, spider veins, and other venous conditions. Contact them today for a consultation.

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Suite 101

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Mesa, AZ 85202

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